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One Ph.D. positions is available in Fall 2021 

We are seeking a talented and motivated Ph.D. student to join the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering at the University of Minnesota, starting 2020 summer/fall. The ideal candidate has a M.S. degree in chemical engineering, chemistry, material science, environmental engineering/ science, or a closely related field. Exceptional B.S. level candidates will also be considered. Past experience in novel membrane materials, polymer science, advanced polymeric chemical and material characterization, non-target analytical chemistry, and environmental sustainability are highly recommended to apply. The ability to work collaboratively and interdisciplinarily with strong written and communication skills is highly desired.

The deadline for graduate student application for the Fall 2020 semester is December 3, 2020. More information can be found on Department website. Interested students are encouraged to contact Dr. Xiong directly at [email protected] with email subjects as “2021 CEGE PhD application”. Please attach a curriculum vita in the email, including your GPA, GRE, TOFEL scores, the contact information of three references, and a full list of publication if applicable. The review process will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled.

Postdoc positions

We are always seeking talents to fill postdoc positions. The ideal candidate has extensive experience in polymer synthesis, material characterization, and non-target analytical chemistry. Please directly email Dr. Xiong with curriculum vita, the contact information of three references, and a full list of publication and indicate the specific project you would like to be involved. 

Undergraduate research positions

Dr. Xiong is passionate about undergraduate education and believes scientific research is an essential experience for undergraduate students in environmental engineering. We very much welcome undergraduate students to experience academic research in our laboratory. Students will be paired with graduate students or advised directly by Dr. Xiong. Here are some rules that we believe serve the best purpose for an undergraduate research experience:

1. Students will be trained for one-three months and then are expected to work independently in the laboratory or remotely.
2. It is the best if the student can commit one full year of experience to the lab, if not, at least two continuous semester to actually get an "idea" what research is about and what graduate school looks like.
3. Students begin their research experience as a volunteer in the lab, or by getting academic credit. We provide time of graduate student or Prof. Xiong's time as investment in training and mentoring you. If, after working with the group for a period, you may revisit seeking a stipend. We do not offer stipend immediately.
4. We will train students with presentation, report writing skills, and provide one on one mentorship on career choice and how to apply for graduate school.

You may also seek a research grant through UROP, Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. This program is through the Office of Undergraduate Education - look through the website and be very aware of the deadlines for the program. 

Students at any level in chemical engineering, chemistry, material science, environmental engineering/ science, or any science and engineering field with a passion in environmental research are welcome. Please directly email Dr. Xiong with curriculum vita and indicate the specific project you would like to be involved.