
A full list of publications can be found at Google Scholar.
Updated by Jan 2021 
  1. Ghafari, M., Mohona, T.M., Su, L., Lin, H., Plata, D., Xiong, B.* and Dai, N.*, (2021) Effects of Peracetic Acid on Aromatic Polyamide Nanofiltration Membranes: A Comparative Study with Chlorine. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. (Just accepted,
  2. Xiong, B., Soriano, A.M., Gutchess, K. M., Hoffman N., Clark, C. J., Siegel, H. G., De Vera, G.A.D., Li, Y., Brenneis, R.J., Cox, A.J., Ryan, E.C., Sumner A.J., Deziel, N. C., and J. E. Saiers, Plata, D. L. (2020) Organic chemical contamination of groundwaters near hydraulic fracturing activities in northeastern Pennsylvania. Environmental science & technology (submitted).
  3. Soriano Jr, M.A., Siegel, H.G., Gutchess, K.M., Clark, C.J., Li, Y., Xiong, B., Plata, D.L., Deziel, N.C. and Saiers, J.E., 2020. Evaluating Domestic Well Vulnerability to Contamination From Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Sites. Water Resources Research56(10), p.e2020WR028005.
  4. Shieh, P., Zhang, W., Husted, K.E., Kristufek, S.L., Xiong, B., Lundberg, D.J., Lem, J., Veysset, D., Sun, Y., Nelson, K.A. and Plata, D.L., 2020. Cleavable comonomers enable degradable, recyclable thermoset plastics. Nature583(7817), pp.542-547.
  5. Xiong, B., Purswani, P., Pawlik, T., Samineni, L., Karpyn, Z. T., Zydney, A. L., & Kumar, M. (2020). Mechanical degradation of polyacrylamide at ultra high deformation rates during hydraulic fracturing. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology6(1), 166-172.
  6. Yang, W., Son, M., Xiong, B., Kumar, M., Bucs, S., Vrouwenvelder, J. and Logan, B.E., (2019). Effective Biofouling Control Using Periodic H2O2 Cleaning with CuO Modified and Polypropylene Spacers. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 7, 10, 9582–9587
  7. Samineni, L., Xiong, B., Chowdhury, R., Pei, A., Kuehster, L., Wang, H., Dickey, R., Soto, P.E., Massenburg, L., Nguyen, T.H. and Maranas, C., (2019). 7-log virus removal in a simple functionalized sand filter. Environmental science & technology, 53(21), pp.12706-12714.
  8. Meza, L. C., Piotrowski, P., Farnan, J.D., Tasker, T.L., Xiong, B., Weggler, B., Murrell, K., Dorman, F. L., Heuvel, J.P.V., Burgos, W. D. (2019) Detection and Removal of Biologically Active Organic Micropollutants from Hospital Wastewater. Science of the Total Environment p. 134469.
  9. Xiong, B., Roman-White, S., Piechowicz, B., Miller, Z., Farina, B., Tasker, T., and Burgos, W.D., Zydney, A.L., Kumar, M. (2018) Polyacrylamide in hydraulic fracturing causes severe membrane fouling during flowback water treatment. Journal of Membrane Science 560:125-131.
  10. Xiong, B., Loss, R.D., Shields, D., Zydney, A.L., Kumar, M. (2018) Polyacrylamide in environment- implications for water treatment. npj Clean Water 1, (1), 17. Schantz, A.B., Xiong, B., Dees, E., Moore, D.R., Yang, X., Kumar M. (2018) Prospects and challenges for high-pressure reverse osmosis in minimizing concentrated waste streams. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology4(7), pp.894-908
  11. Guo, C., Chang, H., Liu, B., He, Q., Xiong, B., Kumar, M., and Zydney, A.L. (2018). An ultrafiltration-reverse osmosis combined process for external reuse of Weiyuan shale gas flowback and produced water. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 4, 942-955
  12. Xiong, B., Piechowicz B., Clement E., Wang A., Kumar M., Velegol, S. (2017) Moringa oleifera f-sand filters for sustainable water purification. Environmental Science and Technology Letters 5.1:38-42 (Issue coverC&EN news)
  13. Xiong, B., Miller Z., Roman-White S., Piechowicz B., Farina B., Tasker T., Burgos W. D., Joshi P., Zhu L., Gorski A. C., Zydney A. L., Kumar M. (2017) Chemical degradation of polyacrylamide during hydraulic fracturing. Environmental Science and Technology 52.1: 327-336. (Selected into ES&T/ ES&TLetters Early Career Scientist Virtual Collection)
  14. Guha, R., Xiong, B., Moore, T., Wood, T., Velegol, D., Kumar, M. (2017) Reactive micromixing eliminates fouling and concentration polarization in reverse osmosis membranes. Journal of Membrane Science 542: 8-17.
  15. Xiong, B., Zydney, A. L., Kumar, M. (2016). Fouling of microfiltration membranes by flowback and produced waters from the Marcellus shale gas play. Water Research 99:162-170.
  16. Xiong, B., Richard, T. L., Kumar, M. (2015) Integrated acidogenic digestion and carboxylic acid separation by nanofiltration membranes for the lignocellulosic carboxylate platform. Journal of Membrane Science 489: 275-283.